Aroma Energetics TM
This 2 day workshop is focused on Spiritual healing & development, Auric Massage, Chakra balancing, Meditation, Contemplation, Rituals & Ceremony, Crystal pendulum work & much more.
It will be in both lecture and practical hands on, learning how to work with Essential oils, Absolutes, Essences & Aromatic Hydrosols. The following will be covered:
14 Essential oils & Absolutes
The chakra system
How cold pressed oils, Essences & Aromatic Hydrosols play a part in energy healing work.
Spiritual healing techniques
How aromas are used in Meditation, Rituals & Ceremony
Chakra balancing using aromatherapy & crystal pendulum
A comprehensive manual, quartz crystal pendulum and products given at this workshop are part of the tuition fees.
2 days
$350 per person
held on Weekends
Register your interest and dates will be provided.
Aromatherapy for the Mind, Emotions & Stress
In this 1 day playshop we cover what is Aromatherapy? Stress what is it and what causes it?, 15 essential oils & 3 healing oils & their relationship to the mind & emotions, relaxation techniques, the art of blending and making an aromatherapy stress blend, the aromatic self body massage.
$150 per person, includes take home products
Held on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday
Please register your interest and dates will be provided
Aromatherapy for Pregnancy, Mothers & Babies
This 2 day workshop is focused on the knowledge and application of aromatherapy for Mothers and their children. It will be in lecture and practical hands on, learning how to work with Essential oils, Absolutes, Essences & Aromatic Hydrosols. The following will be covered:
8 Essential oils & Absolutes, a few Hydrosols,
Pre-conception care
Essential oil safety & Pregnancy
Health conditions, Essential oils & Aromatherapy applications for Pregnancy, Labor, Infants & children and Post Natal conditions.
Suitable for anyone, especially Mothers, expectant Mothers, Aromatherapists, Mid wives, Doulas, Massage therapists.
$350 per person, includes take home products and comprehensive manual.
Held on Weekends
Register your interest and dates will be provided
Aromatherapy for Skin & Body care
1 day playshop, covering 7 essential Oils and 5 healing oils in brief. The art of Blending and making your own massage or bath oil, Self skin care regime, Experience the products that go into daily face care made from pure natural products, face massage techniques, defining your skin type, information on what is really in skin care products and the making of your own face cream.
1 day
$150 per person, includes take home products and course manual
Held on Weekends
Register your interest and dates will be provided